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Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Apakah itu PTC?

PTC singkatan dari Paid to Click secara harfiah berarti dibayar untuk mengklik, disini yang diklik adalah iklan dalam bentuk banner atau teks yang merupakan suatu link alamat suatu situs pengiklan

2 komentar:

  1. Mana ni uraian lengkapnya bos???
    mampir balik ya bos

  2. I was worried when I was about to purchase my house with my bad credit score. I was declined a loan from my bank and couldn't get it. I explained to a friend, he then introduced me to the greatest man of all time ( Mr Benjamin Lee) . I explained my problem to him by sending a text to his mail and he helped me get everything solved in the space of 3 working days. He granted me a loan of 3,000,000.00 Euros to pay for my house in which I also used to expand my business as well. May God bless him! you can apply for a quick loan from Mr Benjamin Lee who is working with a group of investors..He’s the wizard everyone is talking about all over the internet..Contact him via Mail on WhatsApp Number: +1-989-394-3740
